Partnerships can be defined as a mutually beneficial exchange of expertise between two organizations, and they are usually a good thing in the business world. Firms form partnerships in hopes of sharing knowledge and skills. In turn, this shared knowledge contributes to growth and success for both firms. Partnering with an organization who has expertise in an area that your business does not allows you to focus on your own strengths while still nurturing growth and expansion in other areas.
Likewise, in partnering with customers, carriers can ensure they have a steady flow of loads and a go-to source for freight. Rather than continually searching for customers and loads, established, official partnerships can save time in the long-run. Plus, the partnership allows the carrier company to keep its trucks moving! It will take time to establish a trustworthy relationship and to build a solid partnership, but the pay-off will be well-worth your initial investment of time.
Many carriers look to form partnerships with 3PLs instead of directly with customers. A partnership with a 3PL offers a carrier company an additional advantage because it removes the initial time investment that it takes to form a relationship with customers. Remember - a partnership is a mutually beneficial exchange of expertise between two organizations. A good 3PL excels at building partnerships with a myriad of customers, and a carrier excels at efficient transportation. And so – voila! – a beautiful partnership is made! When considering a 3PL partnership, it is important that a carrier ensures the 3PL has an extensive database of long-term customers and is dedicated to building a similar long-term relationship with you!