It's a Big Week in Transportation! What Can You Do to Prepare for CVSA Roadcheck Week 2019?

Posted by Roger Tuchfarber on Jun 3, 2019 3:10:00 PM

Calling all transportation professionals and carriers! It’s that time of the year again - the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) annual roadcheck inspection is set to begin on June 4th. For three days, inspectors will be out on the road randomly inspecting nearly 70,000 trucks and drivers. The probability of being stopped and inspected is high, so don’t be caught off guard! Here are some things you can do over the next few days to prepare for an inspection:

Truck Roadcheck in the Transportation Industry

  1. Know what the inspectors’ main concerns are. This year, it’s likely that inspectors will be paying utmost attention to your ELD. With the final phase of the ELD mandate approaching in December, inspectors are going to make sure your ELD is up to par so, make sure it is. Some things you should be able to do are:
    1. demonstrate how your ELD works
    2. ensure it’s registered with the FMCSA
    3. show that it’s connected and synchronized to your vehicle
    4. display and print your records of duty status

It is predicted that checking your ELD compliance will be inspectors’ main priority, but it is also important you don’t neglect the rest of your truck, or yourself!

  1. Abide by hours of service (HOS). While you should always abide by HOS rules for your own safety and the safety of others on the road, it is extremely important that you are cognizant of your hours this week! Even a small overage can put you out of service. Not only will an infraction of HOS delay your transport and put you behind schedule, but it could also injure your reputation with customers. This is a risk you should not be willing to take.
  2. Be aware of what happens during the inspection. If you are randomly selected for an inspection, there will be a comprehensive process the inspector will follow to thoroughly examine both driver and truck. The different steps include inspections of your license, Medical Examiner’s Certificate, your truck’s fuel systems, lighting devices, brakes and wheels, among a variety of other checkpoints. All vehicles undergoing an inspection are subject to the same exact process, whether it be a truck, bus or trailer.

Last year, 22% of vehicles failed inspection and were placed out of service. Do not let this be you! CVSA Roadcheck Week is a great reminder to make sure you are operating above and beyond requirements but remember: it is best to operate with this same sense of caution and urgency every week of the year. After all, in today’s world, trust is an increasingly important factor in determining whether a customer continues to do business with you. Make sure not to abandon your customer’s trust by failing an inspection, this week and always! 

Topics: Transportation Industry


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